Final Ultimate Solution to the Spam Problem (FUSSP) Response

I got this form letter from this Slashdot post, and it has surfaced in countless other incarnations, too.

FUSSP stands for “Final Ultimate Solution to the Spam Problem. It’s used to describe ideas put forth by people with little sysadmin/email/spam fighting experience who think that they found the magic problem to stop spam. More examples of FUSSPs can be found here.


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The meaning of the name “Douglas”

My full first name is Douglas, although I prefer “Doug” as it takes less syllables to pronounce.  🙂

There are several forms of my name which come from different nationalities:

  • English: Douglas
  • Scottish: Douglas, Douglass
  • Gaelic: Dugald, Dougal
  • Celtic: Douglas, Dugald
  • Irish: Dugald, Dougal

My name also has several origins:

  • In early English it means “gray or black stream”.
  • From scottish, it means “dark water”.
  • Dugald comes from the Gaelic, meaning “dark stranger”, and from the
    celtic, meaning “black hair”.

Silverhawks Outtakes

“I used to perform with 2 Live Crew”

In addition to the Thundercats, there was another cartoon series in the 1980s called “The Silverhawks”. It too was a science fiction cartoon, except it took place in the far future and in space. Another interesting note is that it had the same voice acting cast as Thundercats did. Since I have gotten more requests for outtakes, I figured I would put up these ones as well.

Just like the Thundercats outtakes, these have some pretty foul language. You’ve been warned!

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