Train Line Dashboards Now Available

On the heels of yesterday’s post, I’ve introduced dashboards for train lines.

The dashboard will provide a snapshot of the current status of the line, namely the number of trains, average lateness, and how many trains are over 5 minutes late.

It’s a small improvement, but helps make the train line page easier to understand, especially on mobile devices.

This dashboard stems from the introduction of the newest API endpoint:

/api/current/line/{train line}/{inbound, outbound}/latest

Similar to the other “latest” API, calls to this API return the latest info about each train in the line. Here’s a sample:

 “id”: “472-Jenkintown”,
 “time”: “2016–04–04T23:29:11”,
 “late”: “0”,
 “lat”: “40.07205”,
 “lon”: “-75.12829”,
 “nextstop”: “Jenkintown-Wyncote”,
 “source”: “Airport”,
 “dest”: “Jenkintown”

Coming tomorrow: a dashboard for the entire system!

Did I mention there’s an API available?